
April 16th, 2009


April 16th, 2009

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19 Responses to “April 16th, 2009”
  1. Simon says:

    I have a t-shirt just like that.

  2. wolfie says:

    the awesomeness knows no bounds

  3. Devin says:

    DUDE! PIXEL SKULL THING! willllllllddddd.

  4. Guestington says:

    Space Invaders <3

  5. Jay says:

    Is that a New York skyline I spy in the background?

  6. Alec says:

    nice pixel skull shirt

  7. Mark says:

    Diesel Sweeties FTW.

  8. The Kid says:

    That’s such a cool shirt, I can not wait for this movie.

  9. S-p-e-n-c-e-r says:

    Skull Skull!!
    Awesome level rising!

  10. Joel Vallie says:

    lets see if this works!

  11. Steven H. says:

    Oh my gods! Diesel Sweeties and Scott Pilgrim… this keeps getting better!

  12. Joshua L says:

    Does this shirt belong to one Todd Ingram?

  13. Joel Vallie says:

    I tried to post a picture but it didn’t work.

  14. Paul says:

    I believe guys that its a pixelated punisher tee.

  15. Great Blog. Just found it with my visual eyes.

    and your blue fleece matches the other blue thing in the background. Nice planning Edgar!

  16. Mike says:

    Nice one. Looks like Scott’s early-Volume 2 gear.

  17. Sarah5636 says:

    Another awesome SP t shirt :D

  18. SarahAC says:

    Love the shirt.
    Love the photo.
    Love it all.

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