May 16th, 2009


Taken 4.00, Saturday morning…

  • 4 am and a hammer. That is wild.
  • HM
    wow, that hammer is BIG. if it was as heavy as it looks, MEW wouldn't be able to lift it.
  • Douglas
    Nice. Love the angle and the hammer is made of WIN.
  • lina
    oh god the hammer comes into play yesssssssssssss
  • Fred Chamberlain
    Wow, a close-up of the sub-atomic suitcase!!! Looks like my favorite moment from the series is going to be in the film!! I lucked out and was able to get an original, action page from Scott at the NYCC this year.... prominently featuring Scott's head popping out and yelling "yeah" as the girls go up against each other!
  • My dream movie prop to own has been the Kandarian dagger from EVIL DEAD for years. It miiiiight have been replaced now!
  • It's Hammer Time!
  • Freddy Loayza
    Tis the legendary hammer of bitch whooping
  • OH
  • ahhhh! this pic is awesome!!!
  • Jonaas
    I know Edgar checks these comments out from time to time and I'm at wit's end here...


    Can you just nudge the prop master for a sec and get a store name for me? Please? PLEASE?!!!

    Thank you in advance, sir.
  • og_vg
    Just go to an Army Navy or military surplus store (not the one from Falling Down), look for an old oversized canteen bag. That should be about the right size. After that, retrofit.

    Love those Military Surplus Stores. You can make a war movie on twenty bucks and a tank of gas. Or a sci-fi or Automechanics from hell.
  • Specially made - sorry to say. Not in any stores!
  • MonkeyScroll
    Until now.. just wait the SP merchadising hahaha
  • Love how people are just sitting around and theirs MEW with her hammer ready to go at 4am nonetheless.
  • Sarah
    So this weird room is supposed to be Lee's? Lee's is a shithole. Not some swanky place.
  • nein.

    You will see the real Lee's very soon.
  • Declan
    If I see Michael Cera's head popping out of that bag at some point in this movie, I will be a happy man.
  • adr
    So that's Lee's Palace?
  • Justin
    Yes! YEEEEESSS!!!
  • Christopher
    Errr, the face could be on the other side.
  • joel vallie
    Who awesome is this scene gonna be!
  • dude i was like "face on the hammer the hell?" so since i just finished the 3rd book for the 4th time and its right in front of me, i check and sure enough there is one. lol wow how did i miss that? 2010 is just too long to wait for this awesomeness
  • Amber BG
    A 4am Battle

  • Braeden G
    I wish we could see the face on the hammer. So exciting!
  • Meib
    The hammer looks cool, but what I really love is the subspace suitcase.
  • Late night or early day? hah I wish I had your job.
  • This incarnation of the bag looks great!
  • Red
    Scary Ramona! Very cool picture, love the angle.
  • Sarah5636

    Very cool photo, Ramona & Envy fight scene i love this :D
  • Jessica
    My, what a big hammer you have.

    This picture rocks on so many levels. Thank you for posting this.
  • Tim
    +2 against girls
  • Em
    Now how is Scott going to fit into that bag?
  • Ryry
    +1 against girls!?

    This hammer looks srsly heavy, but MEW seems to be handling it like it's made of... something really really light.
  • SarahAC
    One swing of that hammer with your man-arms and my head will be pasta salad!
  • Mike
    Now this is freaking awesome! Large hammer, +2 against girls.

    This is one of my favourite photos yet. Thanks Edgar.
  • v_for_vienetta
    Giant hammer. +2 against girls. Awesome-ness.
  • YES.
  • Yes!! +2 against girls
  • Lobsterdeth
    I thought the hammer had a face. D:
  • vaal13
    nice ; P
  • RedHerring
    I was afraid the movie would have lost the book's somewhat sense of surreality but this is shaping to look good
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