
Scott Pilgrim - Bonus Video Blog


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27 Responses to “Scott Pilgrim - Bonus Video Blog”
  1. Very interesting!

  2. The 1manmoshpit says:

    That was epic.Best blog yet.

  3. Jessica says:

    ^.^ A whole vlog with most of the cast. Awesome.

  4. Amber G says:

    Lots of Cast Peeps watching vlog… that was great !

  5. George Rohac says:

    Dawwwww. That made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

  6. Jinx says:

    This is just so freaking cute!

  7. Ryry says:


  8. Juan Zombie says:

    Way Cool!

  9. Tomb says:

    Alison Pill appears to be a awesome person. I wonder if she reads this blog.. She should keeps Kims look!

  10. David says:

    That was all pretty great. There were a few cast members in there we hadn’t really seen yet, so it was nice for them to pop up.

  11. Teeta says:

    Hahaha, they are so excited ^^

  12. Sarah5636 says:

    That was a very sweet vblog. Looks like MEW & Alison have been watching your fake punching tips on BRILL that looked pretty realistic :D

  13. Red says:

    We finally get to see Kieran!

  14. kimba2488 says:

    I want to go to there.

  15. Fred says:

    Hahaha, Oh wow.
    That Pill lass is adorable.

  16. Allison says:

    “Mary? Why would you-?”
    “Won’t happen again.”

    LOL, that was really fun to watch!

  17. Michelle says:

    Aww, they’re the cutest cast ever!

  18. Trevor says:

    The chemistry between all of them is already so hilarious in this video. I can’t goddamn wait for this damn movie!

  19. Fryda says:

    Hello actors! Keep up the good work. I wish I had Ramona’s detachable A-line hair, very handy.

  20. Adam S Leslie says:

    A tremendous time being had by all. Looks like a cast that keeps the energy sky-high at all times, must be a lot of fun.

  21. SarahAC says:

    Meta blogging.

  22. pieface says:

    bye blog!

    wuv you! bye!

    love the laugh after ‘wright here wright now’

  23. kim s says:

    Edgar wright here wright now reminds me of the Epiphanies episode of Spaced.

  24. Cordelia says:

    I thought that Knives’s dyed hair would be red as she said it looked like her head was bleeding when she was rinsing her hair…
    Everything else is so perfect though, I don’t really mind - it could be blue blood because she’s a princess.

  25. sarah xD says:

    BE MINE KIM PINE!!!!!!! cough cough Alison pill

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