December 22nd, 2009

December 22nd, 2009 (I)

December 22nd, 2009 (III)

December 22nd, 2009 (II)

  • Bob Rose

    You are very welcome sir. The editing was Oscar worthy, if only more people would appreciate it as an art form.nnThank you for taking the time to read it.

  • Bob Rose

    You are very welcome sir. The editing was Oscar worthy, if only more people would appreciate it as an art form.

    Thank you for taking the time to read it.

  • Anonymous

    That gingerbot mix is such a cool present i love Bad Robot he’s really cute. rnI like the card in the middle that looks awesome, & cool photo of Tim & Daisy.rnAnyway Ed i hope you have a really ace Christmas :)

  • Anonymous

    If you look closely, it’s actually a framed picture he put his cards in front of.

  • Edgar Wright

    Thank you sir. Appreciate your comment on the editing in Hot Fuzz.

  • Sarah5636

    That gingerbot mix is such a cool present i love Bad Robot he's really cute.
    I like the card in the middle that looks awesome, & cool photo of Tim & Daisy.
    Anyway Ed i hope you have a really ace Christmas :)

  • medicjeannie

    If you look closely, it's actually a framed picture he put his cards in front of.

  • Edgar Wright

    Thank you sir. Appreciate your comment on the editing in Hot Fuzz.

  • Bob Rose

    Thought you would be interested in my Top 50 favorites of this decade…both Shaun and Hot Fuzz are in the top 5. This is not me trying to be a kiss ass, I assure you it is my legitimately sincere opinion. Thanks for the entertainment.
    Thanks for reading.

    - Bob Rose

  • soupcan58

    Dude, I so want that Bad Gingerbot… but that's probably limited. Lucky dog.

  • BobbySmoke

    Is Badgingerbot a JJ Abrams thing?

  • shepherdgirl

    It looks like it is from the Spaced Era. Both Jess and Simon in their rooms in the flat - very cool, show a close-up if possible Edgar :-)

  • shepherdgirl


    It looks like it is from the Spaced Era, half Simon (Tim) and half Jess (Daisy) in their rooms in the flat.

  • RintaroWatanabe

    I love 'The Hot Rock'!

  • Joel Vallie

    I'm glad your getting into the holiday spirit.

  • Profpieface

    more cute diy pressies - like it!

    cant quite make out the card that is half Pegg.

    that swirly one in the middle is great though!

  • Slick

    Are you going to bake gingerbread robots? I can't imagine you cooking or baking, Edgar. Not sure why, but it just seems a strange thought to me.

  • Red

    Do people send you these things for Xmas?! Because if so, I seriously need to get some new friends.

  • Paige Wesley

    That Bad Gingerbot Cookie kit looks deliciously fun :)

  • SarahAC

    Haha! Brilliant! I want a Bad Gingerbot now. Yummy.

    Nice stash you've got there. What's in the framed picture?

    And is that some good old fashioned vinyl I see at the bottom there? I love getting out my old vinyl around Christmas time and cranking up the turntable.
    Ah crackly nostalgic goodness.

  • Suzie

    I have never coveted anything more than the Bad Robot cookie cutter!

  • AmberGrindstaff

    Aw! Christmas Cards,Gifts,and Gingerbot mix!! :)

  • dylan37

    So what's a ginger robot, a robot with red hair and freckles. But I kid.

  • M.

    DJ Boba Fettucini? I dig, I dig… as well as Bad Gingerbot.