‘Shaun of the Dead’ Photo-a-day / Rest Day / May 31st, 2003

Rest Day

I am not sure what I did on my day off ten years ago. Perhaps I saw ‘Matrix Reloaded’?

  • Lukas Ridge

    Boy, so you guys just did NOTHING but rest, huh?

  • http://www.left4winchester.com/ Nat Carmichael

    Sad there is nothing to see on the rest days… but here is a peek inside the Winchester. (from the upcoming L4D2 mod Left 4 Winchester)

  • the dude

    Edgar, do you watch movies when youu’re shooting a movie? Don’t you think it compromises your vision for the movie?

    • tippiviolet

      I think he only watches appropriate fiims when he is making a movie. He’s so dedicated.