Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World | UK/Ireland Release 25th August, 2010 + *BONUS FEATURE*

So finally ‘Scott Pilgrim Vs The World’ gets its release today in cinemas all over the United Kingdom and Ireland. For all those who complained that they had to wait, I can only apologise.

However to celebrate the release of the film, I would like to treat you to a little nugget from the eventual DVD / Blu Ray.

This is a piece of animation that my amazing brother Oscar did way back in June 2008 to explain the physics of the battle between Scott Pilgrim and Matthew Patel.

I think you’ll agree that all movies should be plotted out in this fashion from now on.

So enjoy this nascent version of an amazing air juggle and enjoy the finished version in cinemas TONIGHT.*

(*Or another night this week, am not fussy.)

  • Anonymous

    I am so looking forward to DVD (or BR) release! The best movie of 2010!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • We had a big Edgar Wright movie-evening with some friends a while back. We intended it to be a horror-night and started with Shaun of the Dead, but after that we just wanted more Simon Pegg and Nick Frost so we ended up watching Hot Fuzz as well… After that a good bout of Scott Pilgrim v.s. The World: The Game with 4 players, it was epic. I heard bits about the movie, but the game really got me hooked on it and checked online to see when the release would be here in the Netherlands but hot damn, it’s dated to be released in cinemas in JANUARY! You can bet I will import the DVD or BluRay from England, or go there myself just to see it in cinema’s. Anyways, enough rambling… Thanks Edgar and all those wonderful people you work with for making the most ass-kicking movies there has ever been! Take a good rest and after that… Make more awesome movies :).



  • Neil

    Saw Scott Pilgrim yesterday. By the end of the first fight I absolutely loved the film - everything after that was a bonus. Can’t wait for the Blu-ray.

  • Pingback: Edgar Wright Reveals Scott Pilgrim Blu-Ray Bonus Feature!()

  • Andrew Jack

    I was pretty sorry to see I missed the 16th of Aug showing in Dublin.
    Super excited to finally see this movie and bask in it’s awesomeness.

  • That was EPIC!

  • what?! that’s badass!

  • RoOkin

    😀 <--- Is so excited he might explode

  • AmberGrindstaff


    Future SP Dvd Blue Ray…. Oh that will be Almighty 🙂

  • i love this!

  • That is really really cool

  • I 100% agree all films should be storyboarded like that from now on.

    Whats that? Anything to do with me being a 2d animator? Of course not.

  • I STILL haven’t seen it in Canada! NEED to get out soon…

  • I STILL haven’t seen it in Canada! NEED to get out soon…

  • I STILL haven’t seen it in Canada! NEED to get out soon…

  • I STILL haven’t seen it in Canada! NEED to get out soon…

  • 😀 Awesome. Can’t wait for the movie tonight, and cannot wait for the DVD release now.

  • 😀 Awesome. Can’t wait for the movie tonight, and cannot wait for the DVD release now.

  • 😀 Awesome. Can’t wait for the movie tonight, and cannot wait for the DVD release now.

  • 😀 Awesome. Can’t wait for the movie tonight, and cannot wait for the DVD release now.