
June 14th, 2009


June 14th, 2009

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46 Responses to “June 14th, 2009”
  1. Slick says:

    Ooh, you’re a bit beardy there. Very gorgeous pic.

  2. Tyler says:

    That cowl is a little ridiculous

  3. dolfyn says:

    Ooh, Batman! What big ears you have!

    Watch out, Edgar! He’s about to get you with his pointy bat-erang!

    Feel the love.

  4. Nick says:

    Is that Brandon Routh?

  5. Cool!
    This is Toronto?

  6. Alex says:

    His head looks tiny in there. I don’t believe thats the real batman for a second.

  7. Vgerland says:

    I was just going to ask if that was Brandon Routh too. It looks like his chin and lips. Plus well it would be funny to have him in a Batman suit. He was filmed leaving LA just a couple days ago so maybe he is now on site there for his filming.

  8. KINGJONG says:

    Jesus Christ, look at the size of those ears!

  9. stargazer says:

    “Is that Brandon Routh?”

    I don’t think so; Brandon is waaay taller and bigger than that guy.

  10. samboni says:

    Nice beard.

  11. Nick C. says:

    did u offer to show him a majic Trick?

  12. joel vallie says:

    Its good to see a pic of you once in a while.

  13. Lobsterdeth says:

    He looks like Seth Green.

  14. ARI says:

    My two heroes together….I like this picture!! and I love this beard ;) A big kiss from Barcelona…. Muaaaaakkkkk!!!

  15. MonkeyScroll says:

    Edgar, the boy wonder!

  16. SarahAC says:

    I’ve been waiting for a pic with you in it Edgar - and you have certainly delivered today!
    What a great shot! It has everything! Cool, geeky, beardy, posey and hot! WIN!

  17. Pieter says:

    Has he borrowed his dad’s Batman outfit?

  18. Adam Leslie says:

    Aww, he has his own little bat box.

  19. Amber BG says:


    Edgar!! :)


  20. Kadu says:

    Oh, good! Is Batman going to make an cameo?
    I’d suggest you guys to take reallys good care with the lights and don’t go all, you know, “trashing his scene”. =D

  21. Kyle says:

    On a related but unrelated note I just got “Lost at Sea” in the post.



  22. Kadu says:

    Oh, good! Is Batman going to make a cameo?
    I suggest you guys to take REALLY good care with the lights and don’t go all, you know, “trashing his scene”. =D

  23. pieface says:

    yay edgar in the pic! looking a bit beady and dishevelled (that’s a good thing).

    so is that like a much cooler version of those painted silver people (by which i mean twats) you see in edinburgh?

  24. pieface says:

    beardy even!

    ps to the bat cave (by which i mean bookshop)

    (i will keep mentioning it til i hear there have been riots of people flocking to the shop for their SP’s!)

  25. bikeroo says:

    That’s just outside of Dundas Square in TO (for anyone crazy enough to check go to the end of chapter 15 in Volume 3), it’s probably one of those buskers who dresses up in costume all day holding really cool poses. There are 3 or 4 of them that hang around that area.
    Hey Edgar, did you catch any of the Luminato events?

  26. Torontonian says:

    I walked past this guy yesterday on my way out of a Pelham 123/Imagine That double bill. He was forcibly gesturing that a woman with a camera put some money in his bag before taking his picture. Not talking, just forcibly gesturing. YOU. BAG. NOW. NO PICTURE. MONEY. BAG. NOW. His world-weary eyes staring a hole through her. A tense moment. The crowd thinking: “Is Batman going to drop this fool?” Then she got it, saw what he was meaning, and deposited some change into his bag. It was a tense moment, I like to believe for everyone involved. More realistically just for me.

  27. Red says:

    Oh how I love Batman! Nice to see a picture of you Edgar and I’m loving the return of the beard.

  28. Theo says:

    What jeans are you wearing?

  29. Slick says:

    Did you give him the chocolate bar he’s eating? (Looks like a chocolate bar to me…)

  30. Jinx says:

    yay batman

  31. Justin says:

    Edgar Wright will direct the next Batman film. Confirmed.

  32. Teeta says:

    Bahahaha, Batman…

    Im not compleatly sure what he is trying to get at, but you look darn serious

  33. Tomb says:

    The hidden SP reference in this pic is awesome.

  34. Jeremy says:

    I think Matt Lucas and David Walliams should play the Penguin & the Riddler in the next Batman film.

    • pieface says:

      yes! good one.
      am following matt lucas on twitter, he’s just the nicest person ever.

      (according to imdb they have an untitled project together next year.)

  35. Sarah5636 says:

    Why is it when i look at this photo all i can think is it’s the kind of Batman costume Del Boy would get from the fancy dress shop ha ha ;) Bless him im sure he’s doin he’s best. It’s nice to see a photo of you Ed :D

  36. wendy says:

    Reminds me of SF..guys dressed up in costumes standing on boxes ect., but this isn’t as creepy. Did he have an accent? lol

  37. Robbie says:

    Simon Pegg as Batman.

    Nick Frost as Robin.

    Bill Nighy as Alfred.

  38. SamM says:

    Is this from the Canadian Politics circa 1972 but you’re secretly Batman party?

  39. Alec says:

    That’s how the cowl should always look like ahaha

  40. Hehe, this reminds me of that French and Saunders episode when Jennifer wore that massive Batman mask. I have a Keaton style mask at home, but it’s in the correct scale!

    On the subject of Dawn French - they’re playing Murder Most Horrid on G.O.L.D. at the moment - I will be keeping my eyes peeled for the one you directed, Mr. Wright.

  41. jenn says:

    This picture makes me happy! :)

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