
June 7th, 2009



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33 Responses to “June 7th, 2009”
  1. Joy says:

    Quite a weekend of movies. How were Up and Land of the Lost?

  2. Peter Urkowitz says:

    Taking sundays off to go to the movies is a great idea! Recharge the batteries!

  3. Mickey says:

    Oh man! Which was your favorite?? I dug the hangover, but i wish there were more stylistic comedies like yours! UP was my favorite, i think.

  4. Cruz says:

    I saw Up last weekend and liked it(but not as much as Toy Story). Today I spent the day at the theatres and saw Drag Me To Hell(which was so Raimi), The Hangover(which was hilariously hilarious; I also saw it in theatre 2) and Land Of The Lost( funny too; Danny McBride at some of his best; this I saw in theatre 11). Really great day overall.

  5. Michael Black says:

    Didn’t you love ‘Up’?

  6. Nephie says:

    I heard The Hangover is hilarious. Can’t wait to see it!

  7. Oh man, I still need to see Up. So hard.

  8. Russel says:

    AWESOME! you went UP! thank you. UP is #1 for a 2nd week in a row, and I couldn’t be happier. Hooray for animation! I hope you liked it.

    but just curious what the “Re-Adm” is all about on your ticket?

  9. I am looking forward to “The Hangover”(&The Adventureland) in Japan.

    I saw “Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen” in Tokyo for media scrrening(one & only in Japan).It was very eye-poppin movie as pt1. Tonight is “Transformers 2″ Japan premere.

  10. joel vallie says:

    Star Trek finally made it here to Mexico so I went and seen that tonight. I was waiting and waiting for Simon to come on the screen then finally he shows up and steals every scene he is in. Amazing Flick. Up is here in Mexico as well so I’m going to see that one tomorrow.

  11. Fred says:

    Wall-E was still better.

  12. Lonner says:

    Edgar, tell us how you felt about the movies, boy.

  13. Sarah5636 says:

    Im off to see The Hangover this weekend. Im really looking forward to Blood Last Vampire,Sunshine Cleaning & Moon that are coming out soon. Up isn’t out for ages in the UK but there’s loads of films out to keep me going till then :D

  14. Colin says:

    So who were the unfortunate ones to see LAND OF THE LOST?

  15. adr says:

    At the risk of being unoriginal and possibly repeating others wh… SQUIRREL!

  16. pieface says:

    ooh so there was a date?

    the hangover thing sounds intriguing - you always rootle out the most fun/unusual things that are going on

  17. SarahAC says:

    So which did you like best?

  18. Red says:

    How was Land of the Lost? It looks terrible. I know this ages me, but I used to watch the TV show in the seventies and it was the coolest thing ever then!

  19. Amber BG says:

    I bet Land of the lost was so funny. I’m going to go see it while I’m down here in Florida visiting my brother

  20. Dr. Teeth says:

    3D, really? Is it worth the extra money?

    • wendy says:

      YES, it is! You are missing out big time if you don’t. Damn, I tried to see UP but it’s been sold out . I did watch My Bloody Valintine 3D …didn’t make it that far. Edgar…make a 3D movie please!? SPVSTW going to be in 3D? That would be SOOO badass!

  21. Mark says:

    ANT-MAN!!! 2012

  22. KINGJONG says:

    Why isn’t anyone seeing Drag Me To Hell? The Hangover IS funny, but DMTH is far superior.

    • wendy says:

      I’m actually about to go see Drag Me to Hell…maybe tonight ..can’t wait!!! I just saw Up in 3D last night…was ok but I LOVED Dug! I’m in no hurry to see The Hangover…seems silly but I can’t pay for all these movies lol.

  23. Chadbikermullet says:

    Could you do some sort of lie recoomendation on the films you watch, maybe just a one word review?

    Star Trek-Awesome

  24. Jenn says:

    Dang! You did some movie watching this weekend!! How was Land of the Lost?

    I’m headed to see Metric this weekend. I can’t believe it either….Kansas never gets anybody cool to head this way. But if it wasn’t for you Edgar, I wouldn’t know their awesomeness!! Thank you!

  25. James Sparrow says:

    Man, I would love to check a movie out with ya sometime while you’re in Toronto.

  26. Shell says:

    Up was such an amazing movie.

    Kevin was my favourite!

  27. Adam says:

    What did you think of the 3D in UP? I saw it in both 2D and 3D and I must say, there wasn’t much 3D at all. It’s not worth traveling to see in 3D (which I have to do). Still, a great flick either way!

  28. Dylan says:

    Up made me cry. Hangover made me lose my voice. Land of the Lost looks like shit.

  29. Dylan says:

    I literally saw The Hangover Twice in one day.

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