April 9th, 2009

  • sarah xD
    edgar all these pic make me super happy u kick so much ass and i wish all people in the movie biz cared this much about the fans
  • Ell T
    I love the "kiss me I'm dying" line. That's brilliant. I would take the Lucas Lee movie posters anyday. Rather, I think I'll just take Lucas Lee (sorry Scott).
  • gavs
    I have that metal bottle! BUt mine has a King King sticker on it. It's bad.
  • AmZ
    Scott Pilgrim rocks!! Read all the books only been a fan for bout 2 weeks but IT ROCKS!!
    And CHRIS EVANS OMG I LUV HIM!! HE RULES!! Can't wait 4 the movie dude
  • Is that one on the left spoofing The Bourne Identity and Mission Impossible II?
  • Meib
    *Audible gasp*
    This pictures keep getting better!
  • amandah
    it's so crazy to actually see scott's room!
    not a detail missing too
  • richard casey
    Glad to see a copy of Scott Pilgrim always near by in that second photo.
  • pieface
    an album you might like, just for its title (dont know what its like musically)

    'Instant Coffee Baby' by the 'Wave Pictures'

    (okay so i know you're a proper espresso person not instant but it says coffee...)
  • Joel Vallie
    You even got the poster of the 2 people kissing. Very nice.
  • pieface

    flask of coffee!

    blurred cera?
  • Sarah5636
    The Lucas Lee pics are great, love the Bourne Identity & Mission Impossible theme you've put to them :) made me laugh :D

    Hope your having a good week of filming, happy Easter weekend :D
  • Stacey
    Kiss me. I'm dying. I laughed.
  • Reubo
    lucas lee on the "kiss me i'm dying" movie poster looks like it's straight out of the comic book... i almost want to stop reading this blog out of fear of it getting spoiled
  • Gil
    Just what I was asking for. Awesomeness!
  • ahhhh!!!! awesome!!!!! @_@
  • Joshua L
    Luke Wilson! From Crash And The Boys!
  • AlWiltfong
    Glad to see the well-worn source material. And Coffee!
  • nev
    Hahaha kiss me...im dying! hahaha
  • SarahAC
    LOVE the Lucas Lee posters.
    And who is that snogging in the second photo? Hmm....
  • Ryan
    That's Scott's lesbian poster. Y'know, the one that met its demise with Kim?
  • A.T
    thought so to lol. She ripps it in half !!
  • Amber BG
    LL Goodies!! :)

    EW box of goods, complete with SP Book and of course coffee!
  • I spy with my eye... some serious slogging session going on! (and edgar's ever-present, always full cup of rich hot COFFEE (manna from heaven is coffee)

    MR. EDGAR,

    GO FOR THE "R" RATING, Please!

    SOOO many of the PG films leaves me feeling like a 12 year old, who just watched a silly Saturday morning kids program.

    Thanks mate!

    (Happy Good Friday and Easter observances (and Passover) this weekend for my Christian and Jewish comrades, and to any and all of your awesome cast and crew of S.P. who also celebrates these events. Thanks for the shout out, Edgar. You are the TOPS.)

    **SOO Ready for Star Trek!!** hurry up and get here already you silly month of may!
  • A.T
    R rated or 18 or what ever the hell doesn't mean cool.
    Take it from a guy who doesn't have a clue what he's on about. It's not good to throw loads of stuff in just to make it R-rated or whatever.
    I'm gonna shut up becuase i'm probs talking nonsense.

    - A.T
  • Ian Shirley
    There is nothing R-rated about the source material. I don't think there would be any reason to make this R-rated.
  • "Kiss me. I'm Dying."
    Oh wow...brilliant.
  • What a sellout.
  • Lucas Lee needs to be in Hot Fuzz 2. He his the best action star around.
  • Jessica
    That first pic is f'ing awesome!! Chris looks totally hot in all those movie posters.

    I want them all.
  • That Lucas Lee stuff is AWESOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMME!
  • thirtyhelens
    *guffaw* Best. Tagline. EVER. XD
  • Don
    I'd kill to own some of that Lucas Lee stuff.
  • SAM
    Lucas Lee!!!!!!!!!!!
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