
Patrick Swayze (1952-2009)


R.I.P. Bodhi.

“He’s not coming back”.

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21 Responses to “Patrick Swayze (1952-2009)”
  1. kyle taylor vs. ????????? says:

    i shot my gun up in the air and screamed aGHHHHHH……. this sucks

  2. Dylan 37 says:

    It’s probly not good that the only Swayze movies I’ve seen are point break and Donnie Darko.
    One where he’s a bankrobber and one where he’s “the fucking anti-crist”.
    I Should watch one of his movies where he plays a good-guy.

  3. Alex Carmona says:

    “Adiós Amigo”

  4. Rob Kaas says:

    I get shit for liking Dirty Dancing all the time, but I’ve never cared.

    I can see myself buying Point Break in the very near future. RIP.

  5. Red says:

    So very sad. He seemed like such a decent, good man.

  6. pieface says:

    No-one puts Bodhi in a corner.

    RIP the Dead President in Chief

  7. Reint says:

    “I know you want me so bad it’s like acid in your mouth… but not this time.” :(

    Yes…. adios, amigo.

  8. Snuffybear says:

    RIP BODHI: Not tragic to die doing what you love. You want the ultimate thrill, you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.

  9. jimmy b. says:

    Also Red Dawn, one of my favorite B movies. Harry Dean Stanton yelling, “Avenge me boys!”

    Take care, boy.

  10. FairyGodmoose says:

    It’s gonna be real creepy watching Ghost now.

    Interestingly enough, I just rented Point Break 2 days ago. Perfect timing for a viewing in memoriam, huh?

  11. Breanne says:

    I just finished watching Point Break. I’d never actually seen it all the way through before. RIP Patrick Swayze.

  12. Ana Carolina says:

    I watched Outsiders for the first time just a few months ago and Patrick’s character was one of my favorites, even though he doesn’t appear much…
    This is sad, he’s so young! He’s my mom’s age, actually I just found out he was born the day before her O_o

    Anyway, RIP Patrick! Not many men look that good as trannys!

  13. Zach says:

    My thoughts are with Nick as he has lost his greatest action hero. I can only imagine that he’s watching Point Break over and over whilst shooting a gun at air

  14. Jimmy says:

    “It’s not tragic to die doing what you love.”

  15. Julie says:

    Vaya con dios, Mr. Swayze!

  16. itzel says:

    This is really sad. 2009 is quickly becoming a bad year for our 80s icons :(

  17. Amber G says:


    so sad

    Rest in Peace Patrick

  18. Shadownlite says:

    I have seen this film so many times because both my brothers were addicted to it. It was on every holdiay when the whole family gathered together. Me, I was an “The Outsiders” girl growing up.


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