
September 11th, 2009


September 11th, 2009

Wright and Hader. Assemble!

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36 Responses to “September 11th, 2009”
  1. biLL says:

    bill hader, representing bill’s everywhere

  2. Jenn says:

    awesome photo! Love Hader, he’s so funny!

  3. Marcus Powermouse says:

    Hader should be LOCKED UP…

    because he stole EVERY FUCKING SCENE he was in in Adventureland! God job sir, good job!

  4. Sarah5636 says:

    Excellent photo Ed :D

    Just incase it hasn’t been put up already, here’s the link of an impression of you know who about 2.45 in.

    • joel vallie says:

      this still makes me laugh.

    • Dude says:

      OH WOW! I haven’t seen that until just now. That was an amazing Edgar impression!!!

      Bill is so damn talented, I knew it the first time I saw him.

      I really wish he had a film opening at TIFF here in Toronto, “Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs” would’ve been perfect timing. I would really like to meet the guy.

      I did just see Kristen Wiig yesterday for “Whip It”, another amazing SNLer.

      I really wonder how/when Edgar and Bill first met, and how long they’ve been friends. They’ve never worked together before right?

  5. kyle taylor vs. ?????? ?????? says:

    oh damn i just watched super bad and adventure land in a row ,then i go see this pic I truly envy you. on the off note have you done any interview about the Scott pilgrim movie lately and are you planing to tour the us after you finish production like you did with Shaun of the dead& hot-fuzz .?

  6. Dylan 37 says:

    It’s Saturday Night Live, with Bill Hader and your host Edgar Wright

  7. kimba2488 says:

    Ah! Two of my favorite people in one picture!

    I bet if you had Jason flap his mouth while standing in front of Hader while he does your voice it would be like you had a clone. Or an anti Edgar. And then if you two shook hands the world would implode into a black hole. Maybe, it’s better if you don’t try this…just to be on the safe side.

  8. I’m a professor of emergency management - anyone know how to apply to be an extra on Edgar and Simon’s movie, The End of the World?


  9. Rob Kaas says:

    Was this backstage at the Tonight Show?

  10. La Daniela says:

    too freaking awesome.

  11. Slick says:

    I’ve been awake for literally less than 10 minutes (yeah, and I’m on my PC first) and I’ve now laughed my ass off. Brilliant.

    Thanks, Bill.

    Thanks, Edgar.


  12. Amber G says:

    Love it

    Did he do his impression of you… I bet he did :)

    Hader is a cool dude

  13. pieface says:

    I can’t tell from the photo how much he sounds like you! we need video of you two together!!

    you look like your clutching him after seeing a very big spider

  14. Red says:

    I hope he did the impression for you. I also saw it on the Paul vbogs and it was hilarious!

  15. MC Griffin says:

    I want to hear that impersonation in the baddest way.

  16. shoelessdwarf says:

    hader’s face looks suspiciously similar to the one he would be making after hearing a small horn instrument stop playing. hands up if you have any idea what im talking about.

  17. Ana Carolina says:

    :D DDDD XD <3 O_O O_o

  18. Rob Walker says:

    Does this mean you’re on the set for Paul?

  19. BenjaminReid says:

    Did you see Bill’s impression of you, Edgar?

  20. Fryda says:

    If this was a beer commercial you’d be the dirty twins suggestively pressed together.

  21. Smalljump says:

    The Very Ultimate Avengers!

    It would be great if we can see Hader’s Edgar impression on a future videoblog =D

  22. Nephie says:

    Simply amazing! When I saw Bill Hader do his Edgar impression on the Paul website I was laughing so hard I had to pause the video. AMAZING! I’m so glad my favorite American actors teamed up with my favorite British actors! Can’t wait for SP or Paul!

  23. SarahAC says:

    I am feeling love and fear simultaneously

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