
September 25th, 2009


September 25th, 2009

Collage by M.E.Winstead, 2009.

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18 Responses to “September 25th, 2009”
  1. Sarah5636 says:

    That’s a really sweet idea. Hope you’ve got room on the wall to put it up.

  2. Roal says:

    Thats very creepy

  3. laffin ladybug says:

    That is awesome MEW! I love it! :0)

  4. Marcus Powermouse says:

    It seems a little wierd comparing the adults you worked with on Spaced against the (new) adults you’ve worked with on Scott Pilgrim! Cant wait cant wait cant wait…

    Any chance you’ll be hitting Sheffield for any reason any time soon Edgar?

  5. SarahAC says:

    That is awesome. And I’ll bet it was made with love.

    In other news, I’ve been loving watching Brie Larson on United States of Tara. Looking forward to seeing her as N.V.

  6. BenjaminReid says:

    Mary did such an amazing job!

    these were the best pictures of the blog over the last few months.
    The only ones missing are the the picture of the ominous jason shwartzman and that really dark picture where we first saw mary/michael for the first time in costume together facing the camera. They might be in there and i’m just not seeing them though :/

  7. Dylan 37 says:

    Sweet collage Mary. There where a few pictures there that I haven’t seen before. Very cool.

  8. Matthew says:

    Awww it must’ve been so bittersweet when you guys wrapped. I really felt in a way that i was in on the production! Thanks so much for letting us into your world everyday, kudosssss

  9. AmberG. says:

    That’s a fantastic collection,MEW !!

  10. Jessica says:

    That is so awesome! Props to Mary. She did a good job. :D

  11. pieface says:

    how lovely, that must have taken her ages!

    so glad she’s got in your badass posse pose and her pic of holding up the book on the balcony.

    love it!

  12. Avatar says:

    It’s beautiful……*speechless*

  13. Alex Carmona says:

    Aaaah.. great memories!!!! This is a really touching present by MEW!!

  14. Slick says:

    I bet you are absolutely flooded with wonderful memories when you look at that.

  15. Eva says:

    LOVE IT!

  16. Soup says:

    A collage of awesome, that is.

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