
September 27th, 2009: Better late, than never…


Yes, even I sometimes revisit old locations. Was entertaining a dear friend from across the pond, which was a good excuse to run around North London revisiting old haunts.

Here’s me outside the Spaced house, 23 Meteor Street itself. Shopping trolley nowhere to be seen.

September 27th, 2009 (1)

Outside Liz’s apartment from “Shaun Of The Dead”. Kate Ashfield nowhere to be seen.

September 27th, 2009 (2)

Outside Shaun’s house from “Shaun Of The Dead”. Kid with football nowhere to be seen.

September 27th, 2009 (3)

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34 Responses to “September 27th, 2009: Better late, than never…”
  1. Alex Carmona says:

    Hey Edgar, nice memories with that places.
    I saw that shirt in another of your pictures and right now im watching “The Big Bang Theory” and i see that Sheldon is wearing one with exactly the same design but in green with black bats, i think its a great shirt the first time i saw it on you i tought that, but from where is the design or what it represents?

  2. BobRose says:

    I am a writer for Kevin Smith’s website,, and seeing as these are pictures of you standing outside of zomb…I mean “z word” movie locations I thought I would send you a link to my review of ZOMBIELAND, in which I frequently mention the greatest zombie comedy of all time (the one you made…) and compare, contrast, and defend Mr. Fliescher’s Zombieland as a different movie and not a rip-off. Thanks for reading, if you find time.

    -Bob Rose

  3. pieface says:

    Is that THE Chris & Lesley gracing your blog comments today?

    If so, that is really sweet. Wright Snr & lovely silver candyfloss-hair mumsy. bless!

  4. Dylan 37 says:

    Who was in sight Edgar?
    You going to see Kevin Smith goes to England if you do, take a spectacular picture!

  5. Josh says:

    No happy birthday for Mr. PIlgrim?

  6. Chris&Lesley says:

    Great photo of you outside the Spaced house -10 years later - still amazing - congratulations.

  7. FairyGodmoose says:

    Sometime in the next decade, I fully intend to make a pilgrimage to the UK where I visit a buttload of locations used in British movies and TV shows; these three are definitely on the list, as well as Wells.

    Side note: nice to see you smiling again. ^_^

  8. kimba2488 says:

    Also known as “places I want to live.” If I lived in the shaun house I would walk around like a zombie all day and scratch records all night.

    Are the bats on your shirt swarming in the shape of a question mark?

  9. Sarah5636 says:

    I love the look on your face in the last photo. I really enjoyed my visit to Wells earlier this year & i can’t wait to check out some of these Shaun & Spaced locations at some point.

  10. joel vallie says:

    Its a dream of mine to visit all these locations. I would also like a picture by that crazy red phone booth outside the Winchester. That’s my dream photo!

  11. Oh man, I just finished spaced on Hulu. That show deserves a third season for sure.

  12. GINA says:

    I’ve always wondered what part of london that was…has anybody ever told you that you have a great head of hair ? :)

  13. Slick says:

    If your film career ever goes south (yeah, right), you can always fall back on giving SHAUN and SPACED fan tours through London. Nice!

  14. AmberG. says:

    Ahh Great Pics E!!

    smiling too

    Locations I’m going to visit for my London Trip #2

  15. Red says:

    Is nice to see your smiling face for a change!

  16. pieface says:

    I would like to second that you are looking gooo-ood.

    check out that chest - have you been working out? *

    *that may be THE most girly girly thing I have ever said.

  17. SarahAC says:

    Awsome photos Edgar! Nice to see you cracking a smile too.
    I’m also checking out your guns ;)

  18. Stuscuba says:

    Looking diesel Ed….some sort of North London gun show going on?

    Cornetto from Nelson’s I presume?

  19. Irene says:

    Next time I go to London I’m definitely going to the Spaced house, I’m tired of the usual touristy places xD

  20. pieface says:

    fab! you look so happy outside of the SPACED house!

    I might be getting to London in the next couple of weeks - I must make the trek to at least visit Spaced house.

    I love those flats though.

  21. Amy says:

    Wow, you were right near my house! N7 rep ur endz.

    P.S I wasn’t allowed to be a zombie and it breaks my heart to this day. Every ‘please excuse the state of our extras’ sign was like a knife.

  22. Sam says:

    One day, I’ll visit all your old North London haunts.

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