
September 3rd, 2009


September 3rd, 2009

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36 Responses to “September 3rd, 2009”
  1. joel vallie says:

    Day for Night. My list continues to grow.

  2. thedarknight says:

    ah i renember the wiz, michael jackson as the scarecrow you shall be missed

  3. Cody says:

    LOVED Day For Night. I think it may be the best movie about movies, perhaps 2nd only to Sunset Boulevard. I’m in the process now of watching all of Truffaut’s films for the first time as well as Kurosawa. The 400 Blows was fantastic, but Day For Night is my fav so far. Kurosawa’s Dreams will just hurt your feelings, it’s so good.

  4. Sarah5636 says:

    I haven’t seen Day For Night will have to check it out & never got round to the Battlestar Galactica series either, i do still have a little Muffit II figure from the 1978 movie, never had the heart to throw it away. I’ve recently finished watching all of The Wire which i highly recommend i thought it was better than the Sopranos.
    I’m just about to watch Wild Zero for the first time, i’ve had to mess about for 10mins trying to find the english subtitles in the Japanese menus, some guys head exploding in the first 15mins of the film made up for that though :D

  5. Alex Carmona says:

    Hey Edgar, greetings from Mexico!
    Nice selection there with Battlestar Galactica, the other day i had the chance to met Tahmoh Penikett, pretty cool and nice guy…

    Your daily pictures has been one of the highlights of my days for all the year!! Thanks for that, your farewell to Toronto is kind of sad, i really felt for you, you made me remember when i leave that same city 3 years ago after staying there for 3 months, pretty nice place with great people, so you made me feel nostalgic with all your staying there and with your goodbye. Im pretty sure that you have a winner there with the SP picture, cant wait to see it.

    Thanks for showing us your trailers, they are pretty awesome, im going to return you the favour and im going to show you this 3 minutes “trailer” we made for a home-made ridicously-low-budget movie i made with my brother and some friends like 11 years ago when we were in high school, its really a thing we did just for fun a single sony cam-recorder and with no pretensions, its called “Dr. Muerte” (Dr. Death), it was supposed to be a horror movie but at the end it resulted in a involuntary comedy movie hahahaha, good times back then. It would be an honor if you can watch it.

    Do you think that it have what it takes to make it into your Sabinas City top 10 list???

  6. Amber G says:

    I’ve only seen parts of The Wiz

    You can never go wrong with BG

  7. BuckyTodd says:

    I went stark raving mad over the first two and a half/three seasons of Battlestar. They were fraking fantastic! Sadly, by season four it was obvious that they were just making it up as they went along - from one week to the next. It literally left dozens of unanswered questions/missing bits. The most frustrating was “… and they (the Cylons) have a Plan.” was never even addressed (in ANY logical or realistic fashion.) What started out as possibly the best Passion Play in sci-fi history, in the end it turned out to be mindless Hollywood fluff. Great fluff though…. Two stars.

    I’m glad you had a nice time in Canada, Edgar. Please come back to the our hemisphere soon! You are a fantastic director and writer. Your future is only limited by your ambitions. Cheers mate!

    Bucky (50,001)

  8. Slick says:

    I actually much prefer THE WIZ over WIZARD OF OZ. I’m sure I’m in the minority on that. I love the music so much. How can you not adore Lena Horne?

  9. pieface says:

    more unpacking? or just a different room?

    all this other talk is giving me the heebies (see @jasonreitman) ;)

    • pieface says:

      i should clarify, the heebies as defined by @jasonreitman, not whatever Jr is tweeting about giving me the heebies.

      as for ‘THE 400′ (as they shall now be know) i’m guessing i’m at about minus 2100! ;)

  10. Red says:

    I love The Wiz a little too much!

  11. Natty (Isola) says:

    Ah the wiz, there was a trippy movie. Especially since we were ’spost to think that Diana Ross (<3 her but…) was between the ages of 20-24.

  12. AtelierGal says:

    The first and only time I’ve seen La Nuit américaine was 20 years ago without any subtitles. I really should watch it again, for I remember nothing except the boy stealing Citizen Kane’s pictures LOL

  13. Rob Kaas says:

    What are your thoughts on BSG so far? I can’t really get into it. It may have been overhyped to me prior to viewing, but I just thought it was boring.

    I really need to give it a second chance, though. This pic reminded me of that.

  14. BenjaminReid says:

    Edgar, do you have a blu ray player?

  15. abunai london says:

    more movies from amoeba?

  16. BenjaminReid says:

    The genius who created me only took care of my dashing good looks, my razor sharp wit and my irresistible attraction to the wrong women.

  17. Shadownlite says:

    Battlestar Galactica…great tv viewing choice.

    The Wiz is all kinds of fun fucked up….and the music is great.

  18. Charles Crane says:

    So happy to see Day for Night on there. What a great movie.

  19. groonk says:

    Jumping into BSG are we?

    That is an excellent choice.

    So say we all!

  20. HAHAH, The WIz. I remember watching that on TV when I was younger and not having a single clue as to what was going on. looks like you got a fun movie night ahead of you.

  21. Simon says:

    You’re gonna LOVE Battlestar Galactica. Gaius Baltar is a character for the ages. I really enjoyed this series as a whole, it never stops being super good.

  22. Nick W says:


  23. John Darc says:

    Day for Night? Is it a movie about directing and cinematography?

  24. One of these things is not like the other…

  25. Elsa says:

    So…straight from the horses’ mouth, over 400 comments, not a single one about your weight, enjoy

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