
October 19th, 2009


October 19th, 2009

Reitman. Hynes. Wright. Up In The Air Afterparty.

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17 Responses to “October 19th, 2009”
  1. Jaz says:

    How long did it take to shave off the beard?

    In other news, great pic, that scowl never fails to deliver.

  2. Rob Kaas says:

    This is probably my favorite “That Guy” photo of all time, because in this instance “That Guy” is actually Jessica.

  3. Nadine says:

    What a nice group of friends you have around the traps now. Six degrees of Edgar W. (Am I allowed to say that?)

    imdbing around the place, I see “Scott Pilgrim vs The World (post-production)” ……. that’s you! (and Dougall, obviously).

  4. Laurie says:

    Hey nice pics! Love the Twin look. Oh
    Tell Jason Happy B*day! Cheers!!!

  5. Sam says:

    The two of you need to do a project where you both collaborate on the same project.

  6. Wyman says:

    Wonder Twin powers activate!

  7. AMBERgrindstaff says:

    Reitman.Wright~director bros :) Hynes is peeking in!

    Have a Fun Afterparty?!

  8. SarahAC says:

    You’re all looking good there. Shame the photographer had a few bevvies before taking the picture ;)

  9. pieface says:

    Jess looks very startled!

    Are you doing your ’shark eyes’?

  10. Red says:

    Even your suits match! At least Jason smiled and I love the little snippet of Jessica Hynes.

  11. Slick says:

    Holy God, you two actually dressed alike. Brilliant!

    • Peta says:

      Kind of hard not to dress alike when the dress code is black tie :p but yes you two are looking very dapper.

      Rock on you Reservoir Dogs! As new additions I shall dub you Mr. Red and Mr. Green.

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