
October 2nd, 2009


October 2nd, 2009

Frost. Wright. Bonkers.

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16 Responses to “October 2nd, 2009”
  1. Sarah5636 says:

    Good to see the stripy tops are back Ed :D Nick looks really funny, he always makes me laugh in the Hot Fuzz extras when he looks at the camera crossed eyed. Cool photo.

  2. angle says:


  3. pieface says:

    as our antipodean friends are in bed asleep I thought I would do a squeal about the THING you wanted reminding of? (I would dm you but, erm, I can’t!)

    a million apologies if your already ‘on it’

    *this message will self-destruct*

  4. SarahAC says:

    Some people fink I’m bonkers. But I juz fink I’m free!

    This may be my favourite photo yet.

  5. Joel Vallie says:

    And all is well with the world.

  6. gina says:

    looks like the both of you are trying to get out of the computer…

  7. pieface says:

    Pappa Bear & Pretty Boy. A girl could get lost in those eyes!

    hope you had a nice dinner - love Nick’s foody tweets!

  8. AmberG says:

    The Frost!!!!

    and E.Wright :) How Lovely!

  9. Slick says:

    Hawwwwwwsome! That’s right, Nick mentioned on Twitter earlier today that you’d be having dinner with him. Where was Simon?

    Shit, is it wrong I’m always wanting to see the other two when I see one of you? I hope not!

  10. Misanthrope says:

    So high.

  11. Red says:

    Well that’s just damned disturbing!

  12. Eva says:

    ahahaa! You two look awesome! ;)

  13. Ana Carolina says:


  14. Andrew says:

    Who the hell are these two and why are they wasting precious internet space with things that aren’t porn or animals urinating on things?

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