
October 3rd, 2009


October 3rd, 2009 (1)

October 3rd, 2009 (2)

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11 Responses to “October 3rd, 2009”
  1. Sarah5636 says:

    Looks like an interesting exhibition. If i had your social life Ed i would be beyond skint by now, but on the other hand my life would be alot more fun. I love that Popshop photo very cool.

  2. SarahA says:

    Talking of culture, last night the Space Network (Canada) showed Land of the Dead, followed by Shaun of the Dead, apart from all other zombie-related happiness, both of those feature your good self as a zombie extra!

  3. pieface says:

    oh Edgar - Southbank Show tonight is Andy Warhol, just in case that’s got you in the mood.

  4. AmberG says:

    Ah Indeed!! :)

  5. Slick says:

    Did you find any of the ’sexually natured’ works challenging, Edgar? ;0)

    Oh and good thing you have the beard now or else they might not have believed you’re an over 18!

  6. Joel Vallie says:

    So did Andy Warhol have any influence on you?

  7. Nadine says:

    Did you find any of the works “challenging”?

  8. Red says:

    You really have been very cultured this week. Of course, maybe you’re always this cultured and just haven’t had the time? Either way, good for you! It sounds like it’s been great fun!

  9. pieface says:

    so - were you ‘challenged’ ?

    the postcards remind me of a book I saw called ‘Boring Postcards’ which were actually quite fascinating in their mundanity.

    think you’ve photographed prob oneof the best bits there. v Scott Pilgrimy in fact.

  10. Peta says:

    That Pop Shop sign is fantastic. Can’t go wrong with neon lights

  11. SarahAC says:

    You’re quite the renaissance man this week Edgar!

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